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China wholesale desulphurizer desulfurizer for low sulfur steel steelmaking refractory steel refining


China wholesale desulphurizer desulfurizer for low sulfur steel steelmaking refractory steel refining

عرض المنتج

وصف المنتج

the rh refining low carbon desulfurizer produced by our company is widely used in steel mills smelting ultara low carbon and ultra low sulfur silicon steel such as non-oriented silicon steel, electrical steel etc.. by rh vacuum seconclary refining process. Its main characteristics are high desulfurization efficiency (55%), low recarburization. the erosion of the insert pipe is very small, which solves the contradiction of desulfurization and recarburization in the refining process. أccording to the use effect verification from a number of steel mills using our products, the molten steel content after RH vacuum treatment can reach C≤20ppm and S≤10ppm. Fully meet the production requirements of high grade non-oriented silicon steel.

Since its successful research and development in 2000, through 20 years of production experience and continuous product upgrading. في الوقت الحالي, our desulfurizer is favored by customers and widely used in major steel mills in China and exported to large steel mills abroad.

The product adopts advanced passivation technology in the process of making, which greatly improves the moisture-proof performance of the product, and the shelf life can be as long as 6 months.Ensure the timeliness of transportation for foreign customers.

معلمات المنتج


specificationand modelsGranularity (مم)CaO (%)CaF2 (%)TI (%)س (%)SiO2 (5)
ملف الشركة







س: What type of steel is the RH refining desulfurizer used for smelting ?

أ: RH refining desulphurizer is mainly used for smelting ultra low carbon and ultra low sulfur silicon steel such as non-oriented silicon steel, electrical steel.
س. which steelmaking process is the rh refining desulfurizer mainly used for
أ. rh refining desulfurizer mainly used for desulfurization in rh vacuum seconclary refining process.
س: How is the desulfurization effect of RH refining desulfurizer?
أ: Using RH refining desulfurizer, the chemical composition of the molten steel after RH vacuum treatment can reach C≤20ppm and S≤10ppm. Fully meet the production requirements of high grade non-oriented silicon steel.
س: what major chemical compositions do the RH refining desulfurizer consist of
أ: RH refining desulfurizer is a mixture of calcium oxide and fluorite made by special equipment and process.
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معلومة اضافية

مكان المنشأ:

Hubei, الصين

اسم العلامة التجارية:


رقم الموديل:



Desulfurization in steelmaking



Chemical Composition:

CaO CaF2

اسم المنتج:

steelmaking desulfurizer


Pure White


3-15 مم


Desulfurization for steelmaking

صف دراسي:

Metallurgical Grade