Nicapa Basic Tool Set Craft Crafting Tools Kit for Silhouette

1,How is the shipping ?
EIN: DHL,UPS,FEDEX,TNT,EMS,AIR,FEDEX are available to ship to all over the world ,whether by sea or by air . Normalerweise dauert es 5-10
days to receive shipped by air , while 25-30 days by sea .
2,What is Nicapa?
EIN: Nicapa is a independent Chinese brand that supply all kinds of profucts to match Cricut machine and Silhouette machine .
Nicapa developed super-mats , which can be reusable more than 500 mal .
3,How to place an order ?
EIN:’Contact Supplier ‘ or ‘Leave a message ‘. We will help to creat an order with your receiver information. What you need to do is
clicking link and paying.
4,What is the best price?
EIN: Perfect price is for customers,while better price is for distributers , best price is for regional agents .
1, Distributers can enjoy the best price for first 3 orders to test market .
2, Distributing on Amazon is infringement .
3, Real-time contact is available via Facebook,WhatsApp,Wechat .
Dennis ,+86 13622331123
Zusätzliche Information
Herkunftsort: | Guangdong, China |
Markenname: | Nicapa |
Modellnummer: | N3 |
Produktname: | Tool Kit |