
Japanese Green Tea Hojicha Powder Superior Quality


Japanese Green Tea Hojicha Powder Superior Quality

A professional group of tea experts who know all about Japanese tea

περιγραφή προϊόντος

Strong Point

• Sweetened with Japanese sugar

We blend 100% Japanese pure houjicha powder with sugar.

• Additive-free

Ingredients are only houjicha and sugar.

• Easily dissolved

Even cold water and milk, it’s easily dissolved.

Product Introduction

Tsuboichi’s sweetened houjicha powder (Sweetened roasted green tea powder) is very useful to make many kinds of houjicha-flavored dishes. It has brilliant roasting aroma and beautiful brown color and the dishes are going to be much more delicious. The dishes are, for example, cakes, ice creams, mochis, chocolates, candies, waffles, puddings, shaved ices, cookies, lattes, smoothies, και ούτω καθεξής.

The features of this sweetened houjicha powders are the following;

First, it is sweetened with Japanese traditional sugarWasanbon”. Wasanbon sugar is the most expensive sugar in Japan. The sweetness is mild and refreshing. It’s already blended with sugar, so you can omit the process of putting sweetener when you make any kind of houjicha drinks. You just need to put milk. Milk can be soy milk, almond milk, and some kind of healthy milk for the customers who care about dairy allergy. The aromas are so strong that they keep strong even if you mix with dairy stuff. For some of them, we use the ingredient of first picked tea leaves which have rich taste and refreshing flavor. Especially we use mainly tea stems of those tea leaves because the stems would smell much stronger than leaves when they are roasted.

Second, the ingredients are only houjicha powder and sugar with no food additives like artificial flavors, colorings, preservatives.

Third, the powders are easily dissolved with even cold water or milk. You don’t have troubles that you have to stir so hard because of the dumplings.

These houjicha powders are processed in Tsuboichi’s original factory which are really clean and safe. It has some international licenses including ISO9001 and JAS organic under the strong safety control. We do the whole process from selecting the ingredients to grinding into powder in the factory. There are not so many of tea companies in Japan that do the whole process like Tsuboichi. Also Tsuboichi has a 100-year-old Japanese traditional storehouse and put powders into that to mature for good aroma and taste. This maturing take time under the strict control of temperature and humidity. Επίσης, Tsuboichi’s tea appraisers only select fine ingredients that would smell good when roasted. εκτός, Tsuboichi’s skilled roasters roast them so careful and make brilliant roasting aroma which would keep for long.

Tea Examination Authorization document

You can arrange to many kinds of recipes because it doesn’t include dairy. Για παράδειγμα, with carbonated water, you can make houjicha soda. With some lemon juice, you can make houjicha lemonade. With a small amount of hot water, you can make houjicha syrup. You can use this houjicha syrup for ice cream, cake, pancake, shaved ice, pudding, και ούτω καθεξής. Also you can just put the powder itself as a topping to yogurt, vanilla ice cream, bread, και ούτω καθεξής.

We can deal with your OEM manufacturing with a small lot. The product amount per package can be 500g or 1kg. For your OEM, we can adjust to any amount like even 40g, 100σολ, 5κιλό, 10κιλό, and 20kg. We have many kinds of packages like various sizes of a can, a plastic bag, and a paper bag. Επίσης, we can blend your original ingredients like erythritol, soy milk powder, και ούτω καθεξής.

Manufacturing process

SelectingWe judge by many times of cupping test of tea experts and select only good leaves.
ΑλεσηIn our original factory, we grind leaves into powder with the safety control.
AgingWe put matcha into the storehouse and mature it.
ΣυσκευασίαWe can package into many kinds of containers with different amounts.
Στοιχεία της εταιρείας

Tsuboichi is a tea manufacturer established in 1850, the Edo period, in the city of Sakai. Sakai is such an important place of Japanese tea history because it’s where many famous tea masters acted energetically, including the most prestigious master, Sen-no-Rikyu who completed Japanese tea ceremony. Sakai can be said as the birth place of Japanese tea-enjoying culture.

Tsuboichi has 3 strengths.

1: We cover really many kinds of tea, not only Japanese tea, matcha, roasted green tea but foreign tea, some herbal tea, και ούτω καθεξής. For Japanese green teas, we can supply from many different places all over Japan.

2: We have our own factory to manufacture many kinds of products like loose tea, tea bags, σκόνη, και ούτω καθεξής. The factory has some international licenses like ISO9001 and HACCP. We take orders for OEM in a small lot.

3: Our quality control is awesome because Tsuboichi has excellent tea appraisers. They not only select teas but blend so we can keep the control very high.

Our factory is certified for FDA. We have many experiences to export the products overseas like USA, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, some EU countries, Σιγκαπούρη, Μαλαισία, Ταϊλάνδη, Ινδονησία, Κίνα, Βιετνάμ, Αυστραλία, and New Zealand.

Επιπλέον πληροφορίες

Τύπος Προϊόντος:

Πράσινο τσάι


Blended Tea




Tea Powder




Health Tea


from standard to high-grade

Διάρκεια ζωής:

270 ημέρες

Τόπο καταγωγής:

Ιαπωνία (Osaka)



Αριθμός μοντέλου:


Packaging Size:

500σολ, 1κιλό

