
Professional manufacturer single pole cut out bakelite 1p 80a fuse cutout



Professional manufacturer single pole cut out bakelite 1p 80a fuse cutout

Ονομασία προϊόντος Ασφάλεια ηλεκτρική
Χρώμα AS Picture
Ωρα παράδοσης Ποσότητα
Χρήση Ασφάλεια ηλεκτρική
OEM/ODM Customization Service Provided

Q1: Wonder if you accept small orders?
Α'1: Do not worry. Feel free to contact us .in order to get more orders and give our clients more convener ,we accept small order.

Ε2: Can you send products to my country?
Α2: Σίγουρος, μπορούμε. If you do not have your own ship forwarder, we can help you.

Ε3: Can you do OEM for me?
Α3: We accept all OEM orders,just contact us and give me your design.we will offer you a reasonable price and make samples for you ASAP.

Q4: Ποιοι είναι οι όροι πληρωμής σας ?
Α4: By T/T,LC ,Δυτική Ένωση,MoneyGram.

Q5: When can I get the quotation ?
Α5: We usually quote you within 24 ώρες αφότου λάβαμε την ερώτησή σας. If you are very urgent to get the quotation.Please call us or tell us in your mail, so that we could regard your inquiry priority.

Επιπλέον πληροφορίες

Τόπο καταγωγής:




Αριθμός μοντέλου:

Cutout 1P


Ασφάλεια ηλεκτρική


Nature White

Ονομασία προϊόντος:

Ασφάλεια ηλεκτρική


Υπηρεσία OEM


1P, 1P+N, 3P+N, 4P