
Buena calidad 925 Sterling Silver Necklace Pacing K Gold Versatile Alphabet Clavicle Chain



Buena calidad 925 Sterling Silver Necklace Pacing K Gold Versatile Alphabet Clavicle Chain

Nombre del producto Necklace
Material Silver
MOQ More than 60pcs
Marca keluodi
Tamaño 14.0 cm * 12.0 cm * 5.0 cm
Perimeter 21cm(inclusive)-50cm(inclusive)
embalaje Individual embalaje / 0.03kg(Cross border package weight)
Tratamiento process Electroplate

Preguntas más frecuentes

Q1: Wonder if you accept small orders?

A1: Do not worry. Feel free to contact us .in order to get more orders and give our clients more convener ,we accept small order.

Q2: Can you send products to my country?

A2: Por supuesto, podemos. If you do not have your own ship forwarder, we can help you.

Q3: Can you do OEM for me?

A3: We accept all OEM orders,just contact us and give me your design.we will offer you a reasonable price and make samples for you ASAP.

Q4: ¿Cuáles son sus condiciones de pago? ?

A4: Por T/T,LC .

P5: How can I place the order?

A5: First sign the PI,pay deposit,then we will arrange the production.After finished production need you pay balance. Finally we will ship the Goods.

q6: Cuando puedo obtener la cotización ?

A7: We usually quote you within 24 horas después de recibir su consulta. If you are very urgent to get the quotation.Please call us or tell us in your mail, so that we could regard your inquiry priority.