
Cocoa beansTheobroma cacao


La description

Cocoa beans - Theobroma cacao

Description du produit

Nom du produit: Cocoa beans lac. Theobroma cacao

Lieu d'origine: Pérou

Lot number: placed on label
Expiry date: placed on label
Poids net: placed on label
Application: alimentary products
Ingrédients: 100% cocoa beans

Dosage: according to client technology
Durée de conservation: 24 mois

Quality require

Organoleptic require

Couleur: brun
Odeur: specific, without off-flavours
Goût: specific
Fraction: beans
Consistency: loose

Physicochemical require

Humidité: maximum. 12%

Microbiological require

Escherichia coli: < 10 cfu/g
Salmonella: not present in 25g

Additional require

GMO declaration: raw material does not genetically modified.
Ionizing radiation: raw material can not be treated with ionizing radiation.
Pesticides residue: pesticides residue content according to reuirements.

Allergens declaration: raw material does not content allergens.
At the production facility are used: mustard, celery, cereals containing gluten, sesame.

Emballage & Livraison

Emballage: unit packaging are whole, clean and dry. Packaging protect raw material from contamination and other dangers. They have allowed to use in food production. Packaging methods: paper bag with foil contribution; packaging net weight: 25kg. To prevent palettes from damages they are covered with a sheet of polyethylene foil.
Transport: raw material transported in covered and clean means of transport, which protect from damaging, contaminating and atmospheric conditions. Means of transport not contain any trace of pests and foreign odours.
Labelling: label put on each unit packaging and it contain: name of the raw material, name and address of the producer, country of origin, net weight, date of minimal durability, batch number, storage conditions.
Stockage: raw material stored in clean, sec, airy, free from pests and protected from insects storehouse. Moreover, it has protected from light, storage temperature not exceed 25’C with relative humidity not more than 75%. Best before date according to producers declaration.