
2021 Long distance temperature measuring multi person online thermal imaging temperature measurement



2021 Long distance temperature measuring multi person online thermal imaging temperature measurement

2021 Long distance temperature measuring multi person online thermal imaging temperature measurement

Información de la empresa

Package and shipping

Preguntas más frecuentes

Q1: What’s your advantages?

A: We have all authority of all components. you will be smoothly to do the custom clear and get products, If you choose other supplier, you will meet infringement, waste time and money.

Q2: why i should choose your company?

A: Nosotros can choose the most suitable custom HS code for you, lower the tariff to be 0-5%. If other supplier, you will pay 25-50% of your country tax.

Q3: ¿Es usted un fabricante o una empresa comercial??
A: We are biggest manufacturer which authorized by international institution SGS since 2011.

Q4: How long of the delivery?
A: sample about 5 día de trabajo, bespoke model is about 15 día de trabajo.

P5: Qué métodos de pago acepta su empresa?
A: T/T wire transfer,carta de crédito,Western Union,Credit card,PayPal;30 percent or 50 percent deposit.

P6: who protect the payment?

A: our company is the golden supplier of alibaba, alibaba platform as the third party who protect your money, choose us, choose safty.

P7: ¿Cuál es el tiempo de garantía para sus productos??
A: 12 month. Can be 2 years if product more 5 percent price.

Q8: What will you do if product get natural damage within warranty time and how about out that time?
A: Once confirmed, the free replacement will send to you or compensate all brand new product.

Q9: Can I customize the product and give any discount??
A: Absolutamente sí, customization from customer are most welcome.

B: I’ll surely try to get best price and offer good service for your company.

Información Adicional




1 Año

La red:

bluetooth, Wifi, ONVIF, TCP, Ip, SDK


Impermeable / A prueba de la intemperie, Wide Angle, Sirena incorporada, Audio bidireccional, Thermal image, One-way Audio, Prueba de vandalismo, Abnormal sound detection, PAN-TILT, VISION NOCTURNA, Alarm I/O, RESET, Built-in Mic


Interior, Exterior

Soporte personalizado:

Soporte técnico en línea, Customized logo, OEM, ODM, Software reengineering

Lugar de origen:

Guangdong, Porcelana

Nombre de la marca:


Número de modelo:



CMOS, built-in 1080P optical image sensor

Características especiales:

Sirena incorporada, VISION NOCTURNA, Audio bidireccional, Reconocimiento facial, Seguimiento del movimiento humano, Detección de movimiento, Conteo de personas, Prueba de vandalismo, Medición de temperatura, Face detection, Low Power


ce, FCC, RoHS

Opciones de almacenamiento de datos:

Tarjeta de memoria

Formato de compresión de video:


Nombre del producto:

Body Temperature Record Heat Camera Infrared Camera Thermal

Temperature measurement distance:

1 M ~ 4 METRO

Optional Function:

camera ,printer, escáner, 4k, dual system


8. 1920×1080@25fps

thermal imaging:


Camera Type:

intergrated high-sensitivity Infrared Camera

Operating system:

plug and play,no pc and app

Max resolution:


Graphic sensor:

1/2.8" 2.0M CMOS